Commuting By Bicycle In Pocatello, Idaho

I’ve been an almost daily bicycle commuter in Pocatello, Idaho since 2007. I’m writing this article to briefly point out my experiences cycling on the streets of Pocatello, and to also give a few tips on some commonly occurring points of minor, and easily avoidable, contention I’ve experienced coexisting with motorized vehicles. I’ll be just […]

Portneuf Valley Bike To Work Month Is Here!

Making Use Of My Bicycle Child Trailer

Child Trailer Fun!

One of the best purchases I’ve made is my bicycle child trailer. Not only is it fun for my daughter to ride around in, but it’s great for going on pizza runs, hauling camping gear on cycle camps, and transporting around other items that aren’t easily bungeed onto a bicycle rack. […]

Now They’re Making Comics About Me

Image by Paul Murray


Snow Cycling Fun!

My Snow Bike Parked At Work

I remember it was only last year that I was learning to bicycle in the snow and attempting to gain some confidence with this unique cycling environment. This year, I am proud to say that I have a much more positive view of this fun and challenging activity. […]

Anatomy Of A Bicycle Commuter

Bicycle commuter anatomy

Portneuf Valley Bike To Work Month is during the month of May! Wooo! Time to get into shape, save some money, and breath some cleaner air! Let’s do it!

I have written this article to give a few tips to those of you who are brand new to commuting around town […]

Learning To Bicycle In The Winter

Schwalbe Marathon Winter bicycle tire

A few weeks ago, Pocatello, Idaho experienced a fairly heavy snowfall of about 6 inches or so. This was followed by temperatures ranging from -10 F to 15 F for several days after. None of the snow melted for an entire week, which made all the roads turn into […]

Commuting To Work By Bicycle In Foul Weather

Do you want to be a hardcore bicycle commuter? Do you want the ability to cycle to work in comfort no matter what the weather is like outside? This can be quite a tough challenge to meet, but with the right equipment and clothing, it can be done, and all for under $100 bucks (assuming […]

Bicycle Beer Basket!

As I have stated in previous posts, I love my bicycle basket. It works great for shopping, taking a lunch to work in a cold-food bag, and other various package hauling. Recently I discovered that the basket fits a 24-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon perfectly! Here’s some photographs I took of it:

Cycling […]